
Friday, January 28, 2011

Cabby Crafter's Happy Feet! [S:C:F Stylish Blogger Award]

Cabby Crafter is in blog heaven for receiving its first award.
I am humbled by this very special recognition and I am encouraged to blog more and better.
THANK YOU VERY MUCH to Lili of swanky::chic::fete. 
I love her blog and have been following it regularly.  I like her articles, party links, features and gorgeous photos. Click on her link and I know you would love it too.

Here are 7 random facts me, the Cabby Crafter.
1.  I have been married to my dear husband for 2 years and 11 days today.  It has been a fun and exciting journey together.
2.  I am a Christian, a follower of Jesus Christ, saved and sustained by His grace.  I am the pianist and I used to sing in our choir during my youth days.
4.  I am a Medical Doctor, a Pediatrician and Certified Medical Acupuncturist in my native land.  Caring for infants and children are my life!  We are praying that God will bless us with our own.
5.  I studied piano, Japenese cooking, chocolate molding and baking.  Little did I know that these skills would help me later in life. 
6.  I love to travel with family and friends and I never thought that I would be relocated to a foreign land.  It's been 8 months since I came here and I miss my parents and family every day.
7.  I love to craft:  papercrafting, mod podge and crochet.  At present, my passion is to learn to make jewelry.

There are so many great blogs out there and my own list is getting longer everyday.  I would like to mention a few of them here.  These blogs, among many others, have influenced me and my blog life (in no particular order). 
(drumroll and marjorettes dancing please...)

Triz Designs

The Style Spy

Inspired By

Thank you all for your creative ideas, tutorials and amazing articles!  I am so glad to get to come across you in blogland.  All the best!


  1. Wow! Thanks for the award! You have really made my day! And it's been fun perusing your blog- I love the variety of craftiness you share- YOU ROCK! HUGS!

  2. SOOO deserving of the award! congratulations!

    and happy anniversary!

  3. thank you so much for the award!!! truly honoured!!! have a great weekend! :-)

  4. Thank you so much for the award. I love what you wrote to me. Have a wonderful weekend

  5. Awww thanks! I'm honored to make your list :) That was fun reading more about you! Congrats on your 2nd anniversary!!
    Happy crafting!


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