
Tuesday, February 22, 2011

"Thank You" [Cards for California]

My 2 weeks of sunny, cool, California weather is over and I am back in Chicago's winter wonderland!  I had a great time in San Jose and San Diego, particularly babysitting my 18 month old nephew. 

I was also able to meet our former Pastor in Manila and his family, my good friend and colleague, and other relatives and friends.

In appreciation for all their kindness and generosity, I made "Thank You" cards today.

I used Inkadinkado's "Thank You Clear Stamp" 39-252868.

I stamped it using Versafine in Black Onyx and colored using Tombo ABT markers.
I matted the stamped images on olive green and blue cardstock and then added them to the DCWV background paper from their "The Green Stack" collection.  Finally, I used dark blue and yellow cardbase.

It's great to be home, making cards again for all the wonderful people in my life.
These will all be mailed tomorrow.

Happy Tuesday!

Friday, February 18, 2011

Blogs on Photography

Here are some blogs on photography that I recently discovered and wrote about.

Have fun!

Kuwentokoto: 1 - 2 - 3 .... Smile! [Photo Blogs I Love Part 1]

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Monday, February 14, 2011

To Hubby, With Love [Valentine's Day 2011]

 Today is Valentine's day and being apart from hubby makes me miss him so much... so much that I just had to recall the happiest time of our life.

It's been 2 years and a month since that special day but since I wasn't into blogging then, allow me to share it with you now.

We are grateful that we had a team of wonderful wedding coordinators turned friends who helped us with the more important matters.  Nevertheless, my then fiancee and I personalized and handcrafted many of our wedding essentials.
The printed card fold invitations came from the U.S. but because we wanted to include the names of all the wedding participants on the inside, we printed them ourselves.

Next, we printed the church program on light green cardstock, added dried flowers and ribbon that had our color motif.  The wedding souvenirs (right and left sides of the photo above) were made out of small towels that we rolled into cake slices and muffins and topped with a cherry and packaged in clear plastic cases.

  We had a candlelight ceremony that symbolized the blessing of both our parents (and family) and being united as one by God.  The candles were plain so I decorated them with ribbon and dried flowers.
I wanted to have a garden themed wedding so together with our florist, we used an assortment of brightly colored flowers.  Our 2 adorable flower girls carried a small pink pail with spring flowers and was decorated with pearls.
Our 2 adorable flower girls carried this small pail with spring flowers and was decorated with pearls.

Our wedding charge was given by my Uncle Sam who gave us a very beautiful devotion about God, Love and Marriage.  The ceremony was wonderful, with a laughter and tears of joy here and there.  Oh, we had a boys choir... such angelic voices!

In weddings held in the U.S., I noticed that the newly married couple would leave the church ahead of their guests so that they could thank each for coming. However, in Manila, the guests go out of the church first so that they could welcome the newly married couple. Here, we were showered with love and confetti.  We also personalized our wedding bubbles that we distributed at church and the reception venue.

The wedding reception was at the EDSA Shangri-la hotel whose wedding team is the best!  We had a long table in the center of the ballroom for us, our parents and godparents. It is Filipino tradition to have principal sponsors who serve as "godparents" and are tasked to keep us together forever ♥.  
We had 12 pairs of married couples whose lives have touched and blessed us (yes, a dozen ☺).

Our wedding cake was a 3-tier fondant cake that had a lacy design, bouquet of white roses and a Wilton cake topper. 

 The buffet spread was awesome and delicious especially the desserts.  Too bad... we weren't able to savor it all because we were in absolute euphoria and cloud 9.

There was so much love in the air from family, friends and lovedones.  We had so much fun 

especially when we had our choreographed foxtrot/hiphop first dance to the tune of "The way you look tonight" mixed with a hip hop song... geeez, I'm not sure I can do that again. 

Ahhhh.... such precious memories.
You ask what makes our journey as husband and wife fun?

It's the LOVE and GRACE that comes from above.  Thank you God!
Deus nos iunxit
(God has joined us together)
Happy Valentine's Day, Hubby!

Valentine's Day [FCCC Building fund raiser]

Happy Sunday! 
Are you all set for Valentine's Day?

I went to church today with a majority of Filipino congregation.  Their Pastor and family spent several years of service in our church in Manila and it was nice to see them again.  Their children have grown-up but it seemed as if Pastor and his wife didn't age too much ☺ - they have the same zeal and passion for God. 

They had a Valentine's Day fundraiser and wow, the ladies had a lot of cool ideas.

Take a look at these goodies.

Pardon my ugly camera angle and poor lighting but this centerpiece is made of all sugar goodness!  She used lollipops, chocolates and candies.

This topiary was made of pink heart chocolates and white silk flowers that she placed on a white pot accented with white hearts and red lollipops.

Oh, I love these cupcakes!  They just don't look nice and pretty, they tasted so good too. 

 "Valentine greetings to those who are taken, not yet taken, about to be taken, assumed to be taken and including those who are taken for granted."

Here's a big HUG from me to you!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Weekend recap

Hello friends!  This has been a slow crafting week for me because:
1.  I had to go to another state to do pediatric nanny duties to my nephew
2.  Being out of town, I left all my tools and materials at home, and
3.  I am in "craft hibernation" mode.

Inspite of that, I was able to do something very exciting particularly this weekend.
I received an email from Joe of Create & Craft

Create & Craft
about an awesome blog hop initiated by K Andrew of Getting Cricky.

I have a personal cricut machine and 3 cartridges:  Base camp George & basic shapes & Beyond birthdays.  I have used it a number of times but I never really maximized it's potential.  It seemed to occupy space and gather dust in the cabinet.  Perhaps it was because I didn't really know how to use it or what to do with it.

Thankfully, I came across K Andrew's bloghop and in the process, I learned a lot... about the different states in America and other uber creative cricut users as well.

You may want to join us and get a chance to win so many wonderful prizes.
Click HERE.

Cricky across the 50
Thank you to K Andrew and the all the wonderful participants of this blog hop.
A cricky cheer to you all!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Saturday Mornings on aTuesday [Shop Scarves Giveaway]

We have been having snow and below zero wind chill in the Windy City since last week.  Fortunately, I was called on pedia nanny duties in sunny California for 2 weeks.
It's nice to bundle up during cold weather but I must admit that it's never easy to choose the right outfits and cold weather gear to wear.
Cabby Crafter is featuring Saturday mornings blog giveaway on this sunny Tuesday morning.
Saturday Mornings BLOG
Saturday Mornings is featuring Shop Scarves and is givingaway one of their shops Black scarf with rhinestones.  Here are some of Shop scarves beautiful warmies....

I love this periwinkle scarf 

These are just some of the items from Shop scarves Etsy shop.  Chek it out and have fun!
If you would like to win in this giveaway, visit Saturday Mornings' BLOG and join.
Happy Tuesday!

Monday, February 7, 2011

Monday fab finds [Wire crochet jewelry]

I will be spending the next 14 days away from my home craft nook and my tools as I am out of town to take care of one of my precious jewels, my 20 months old nephew.
Today was day 1 of my pedia duty ☺ and while he was asleep, I searched the blog treasure island to find the following goodies.

I love to crochet using yarn and I have discovered that there are people doing wire crochet jewelry.  It looks so complicated and I can't wait to try it when I get back home.

Look at this simple but very elegant set of "Everyday" earrings and necklace that Jana of Be Jeweled made. 
Photo taken from Be Jeweled's BLOG

This Victorian style necklace is so stunning.
Photo taken from Be Jeweled's BLOG
This "Enchanted Garden" necklace that she made in collaboration with Artbeads is gorgeous!
Photo taken from Be Jeweled's BLOG

Lynn Davis of LLYYNN made this beautiful wire crocheted bracelet.  Oh, I love the flower pattern! 
Photo taken from LLYYNN's BLOG
Crochet jewelry looks so hard and complicated to make but I think I would like to try doing it soon.
Happy Monday!

Friday, February 4, 2011

Cloche Hat [Teresa - The Art of Crochet]

Happy Friday!
If you are an avid fan of crochet and you google a lot, you must have come across Teresa's BLOG and YouTube tutorials.
I made one today:  Crocheted cloche hat using J hook(6 mm) and Loops & thread Impeccable worsted yarn (4 ply) in Chocolate.  Thanks to Teresa for this pattern.

I love the classic look and feminine feel of cloche hats.

It looks nice plain or I could add:
a.  Crocheted flower/s on one side
b.  a Pearl brooch that I made here 
c.  a 1 inch thick ribbon over the entire diameter of the hat slightly above the brim
d.  a nice colorful scarf for those cool days in spring

What do you think?
Happy crocheting everyone!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Great finds [Thursday Blog Discovery]

I love wearing bracelets such as this from the Milli's blog, Adventures with Millie Making JewelryI like how she combined the beads and other elements, particularly the metal finding or spacer (I don't know exactly what it's called so help me out here, friends).  

I oh so envy her beautiful wire work and wire wrapping technique that she did in making this bangle.  I love the colors!

This one too:
Aren't they all gorgeous?  It feels nice to find new and beautiful things works of art.
Head over to her nice and informative BLOG and be awed and inspired as well.
I am hoping to join one of her challenges soon.
'Til next time... Happy creating!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Sterling silver Necklace [Belinda Saville Giveaway]

It is very rewarding to be introduced to new people, things or blogs.
Today, I was introduced by Nicole of Beadwright to a new blog by Belinda Saville.

Belinda's BLOG
Belinda inspires me in being a wonderful jewelry artist, wife and mother.
You may visit and LIKE her Facebook HERE Etsy shop HERE where you will see her many beautiful works of art.

She has a lot to celebrate in her journey and success as a jeweler hence, she has a wonderful giveaway. 

"This sweetly simple hollow form necklace... 
Handcrafted from sterling silver, shaped and formed, and given a deep patina."

Oh, I love the look and feel of this perfectly handcrafted piece. 
She certainly put a lot of detail in making it.

 So head over to her blog for more details and be inspired as well.
Oh, tell her Cabby Crafter sent you.
'Til next time....

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

I won, I won! [The Blogguidebook Giveaway]

I won! I won!
It feels great to be a winner, especially in blogland where winners are picked randomly.  One of the blogs that I have been reading is The Blog Guidebook and it was a real treat that I won in their colorful giveaway with YUMMI designs.

I got one of their colorful felt purses.
A big thanks to the Blogguidebook and Alycia or YUMMI designs.
Do you think I will have a lucky streak?
Have a Happy Tuesday!