
Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Sterling silver Necklace [Belinda Saville Giveaway]

It is very rewarding to be introduced to new people, things or blogs.
Today, I was introduced by Nicole of Beadwright to a new blog by Belinda Saville.

Belinda's BLOG
Belinda inspires me in being a wonderful jewelry artist, wife and mother.
You may visit and LIKE her Facebook HERE Etsy shop HERE where you will see her many beautiful works of art.

She has a lot to celebrate in her journey and success as a jeweler hence, she has a wonderful giveaway. 

"This sweetly simple hollow form necklace... 
Handcrafted from sterling silver, shaped and formed, and given a deep patina."

Oh, I love the look and feel of this perfectly handcrafted piece. 
She certainly put a lot of detail in making it.

 So head over to her blog for more details and be inspired as well.
Oh, tell her Cabby Crafter sent you.
'Til next time....

1 comment:

  1. Michelle, what a lovely write-up...thank you so much!

    I really love your blog...this is such a happy place that you have created :-)

    Wishing you the very best of luck with my giveaway!



Thanks for stopping by ☺♥