
Wednesday, September 5, 2012

[Food] Screaming for Ice Cream

I scream for ice cream all the time.  It's a staple in our home growing up and everyone in the family loved it!  Sundays are extra special when we drive by the store to buy half a gallon of this deliciousness!
Now that I'm older and with slowwwwwwer metabolism, I have to watch what I eat.

Take a look at this:  Blue Bell Moolenium Crunch topped with a fresh Cherry.

My Dear Husband (DH) and I are trying to do portion control, as advised by my trainer.  Of course, we can't let go of our dairy (though I know it's not too good for our body) so we decided to go another way.

This is our version of portion control... LOL!

A taster's cup and spoon with barely a scoop of ice cream.  
I guess it worked because it took several teaspoons to finish one serving and somehow, it satisfied my craving.

How do you portion your food?

1 comment:

  1. Oh I love ice cream too...and we have a tradition where we go get ice cream on Sundays too! I guess great families think alike :)


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