
Sunday, January 6, 2013

[Recipe] Zuppa Toscana

Happy New Year!  
Husband and I ushered in 2013 with much thanksgiving and excitement as we look forward to this year.  We have faith that the Lord will continue to be faithful to us, 
no matter what circumstance we are in.

We had a simple New Years Eve dinner at home.  It rained the whole day and it was cool in the evening - very timely to  prepare the warm and delicious soup that we always order and eat at Olive Garden and at our friends house:  

Zuppa Toscana
Russet potatoes - sliced thinly (1/8 inch)
Garlic, onions
Italian sausage
Chicken broth
Kale - sliced in bite-sized pieces
Heavy whipped cream
Salt and pepper
Chili powder

Zuppa Toscana
I sauteed the whole package of Italian sausage until it was brown, drained the excess oil and set aside.  You must think that we are voracious sausage lovers.. haha.  We used 1/3 of the pack for one  recipe and saved the rest.  Notice that I didn't put the amounts in the list of ingredients - it depends on you.

Saute' garlic and onion.  Add the sausage.
Pour 1 can of chicken stock.  I used Swanson chicken broth and though the label says not to dilute it, I did, 1 can broth:1cup water.  You may add more water if you want it more "soupy."  Bring to a boil.

Add potatoes and cook for about 10-15 minutes, depending on the thickness of the slice.  You wouldn't want it to be too soft as it would crumble apart.. unless that's what you prefer.

Once the potatoes are cooked, add in the Kale. Do you know that eating kale is healthy?  Sources say that it has cholesterol lowering properties, risk lowering benefits for cancer and aids in detoxification.

Finally, add 2 Tablespoons of heavy whipped cream.
Serve hot and with a smile.

Zuppa Toscana
 Bon appetit!
We would like to wish you a wonderful Year 2013:  love, joy, peace and good health for you and your family.

Know that you are blessed!


  1. Happy new year! That soup looked yummy!

  2. Sounds delicious - I'll definitely try this soon!! I love recipes that call for a little of this & a little of that, to your liking!!


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