
Wednesday, June 12, 2013

[Celebration] 115th Philippine Independence Day

Today, June 12, we celebrate Philippine Independence Day.  It was on June 12, 1898 when we declared our independence from the Spanish rule by General Emilio Aguinaldo and Filipino revolutionary forces.  The flag of the Philippines and the national anthem were raised and sung for the first time that day.  Shortly after that, Spain surrendered the Philippines to the United States.  Eventually, the Philippines revolted against the United States in 1899 and achived national sovereignty on July 4, 1946.  Independence day was observed on July 4 until it was finally moved to June 12, hence, the National Holiday.  

There are several books that tell of our history.  You may also read about it here:
Taken at The Ninoy Aquino Parks and Wildlife in Quezon City, Philippines on January 2009
My grandparents had a lot of stories about the war - it was a very difficult time.  My dad was a baby (born in 1941) and they had to hide in the fields from the soldiers.  They brought a live goat with them as his source of milk.  My mom (born in 1942) and her siblings also had a rough time.  I love listening to live accounts of the war - hearing them always brings me to tears.

Kami ay mananatiling Pilipino sa isip, sa salita, sa gawa.
We will always be Filipinos in our mind, words and actions.

Mabuhay ang Pilipinas!

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