
Saturday, June 15, 2013

[Focus on Life] Week 24: Green

Welcome back!  It's Week 24 over at Ms. Sally Russick's Focus on Life and this weeks' prompt is GREEN.  Sally described the prompt as follows:  

GREEN:  the color of balance, growth and harmony.
GREEN:  evokes the feeling of calm and symbolizes self-respect and well-being.

I totally agree with her!  To me, it means life - natural and organic.
This is the photo that I want to share with you.  Can you guess what these are?

Doesn't it resemble a bamboo tree?  
Well, these are tissue rolls that I have been saving for whatever.  My husband would laugh at me when I ask him not to discard odd stuff for me especially when I tell him that I will be using them one day - I think he hasn't realized that I am just recycling and trying to save the environment.  Hahaha!

Well, the day has come for these rolls.  I mixed green and black acrylic then painted them to look like the bamboo trunk.  For added interest, I added a white paper quilled white flower matted on a textured yellow cardstock.  I like how it stands out, looks very fresh.

Now, let's head over to Sally's blog and check out the other "green stuff."

Have a wonderful weekend!
♥  michelle  ♥


  1. Fresh and totally charming! My husband is very good about not putting anything in the garbage or recycling bins before checking with me... I guess I've balled him out in the past :)

  2. Your "recycled" bamboo is charming. Very creative!

  3. Proof positive that everything has potential in a creative sense - there is no 'rubbish'!
    Just wonderful!
    Have a wonderful week :)

  4. Very cool, Michelle! They do indeed look like bamboo!

  5. A gorgeous photo - your little flower is stunning - I thought it was real until I read about it! And great effect with the rolls - they really do look like bamboo - very clever and a great way to recycle!

  6. Love that green "bamboo" and the flower makes the perfect contrast.

  7. Great recycling. Who would have guessed what they started out in life.

  8. That is a very interesting photo Michelle.

  9. Yes it does look like bamboo! very creative and a beautiful shade of green! Love the touch w/the flower - it really pops.

  10. The yellow really pops on the green. Very pretty!

  11. Such an inspirational idea for recycling those rolls. Love the green and the quill flower is a beautiful touch!

  12. Yes, it's fresh and beautiful! Are you going to display this somewhere in your home?

    My husband just does not want to be bothered with recycling and he doesn't see why I keep scraps and sheets of pape, or even tissue boxes. He just wants to get rid of it all and now...

  13. Husband must be all a special species :) mine rolls his eyes too when I save things (however he always comes asking 'do you have x or z?' :) )

    Very refreshing 'bamboo' sticks - love your idea!

  14. That's cool! My dear hubby used to roll his eyes. Now he just walks away. lol!

  15. So what are you going to use them for... my hoiuse has run out of space so now things go in the recycle unless I need them now!

  16. Just love your paper flower against the yellow and green. It's hard to improve on nature but you have done a good job!

  17. Love that. I thought they were bamboo at first! Very creative.

  18. That's what I was going to say, bamboo!


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