
Friday, July 5, 2013

[Focus on Life Week 27] Texture

Hello there!  It's Week 27 over at Ms. Sally Russick's Focus on Life and it's all about Texture.
" From the course to the soft and fluffy, textures are always at our fingertips but we tend to be too busy to notice. Textures surround us at any given time, we sometimes just need to slow down a little and give them a little attention. Run your fingers down the hem of a quilt or pick up that dried leaf and focus on what your finger tips feel."

I like adding texture in my crafts such as this card - done with textured paper and accented with paper flowers.
A few days ago, I also shared a tutorial using dimensional adhesive.

I also use texture in my jewelry such as in this necklace where I added an embossed a Vintaj blank.  
This necklace was featured HERE.

Texture may also be applied to food and this homemade mango crab salad is full of it!  I combined lettuce, imitation crab and fresh, sweet mangoes.  The dressing was a combination of creamy garlic and Bragg's Hawaiian dressing - it tasted perfect!

Thanks for stopping by the blog.  It's time to head over to Ms. Sally's site to check on different textures.  Have fun!

Have a wonderful weekend!
♥  Michelle  ♥


  1. oooh, that salad looks scrummy!! great photos of great textures!
    have a blessed week :)

  2. Visiting from The Studio Sublime - Lots of beautifully textural features here and the salad looks so delicious :0)

  3. What an interesting assortment! Your necklace is lovely, and I would love to feel the texture of your card. The salad looks yummy! Salads do have such great texture!

  4. Wow you captured some great textures this week! Salad looks yummy!

  5. Beautiful textures on the card and jewelry. Your salad looks delicious and it's making me hungry even at 9 AM.

  6. Way too much ffod showing up this week! That salad looks yummy....

  7. Lots of lovely stuff - the card is so pretty, and I also love the necklace, the colours are beautiful. Ooh and more food to look at - it looks and sounds very scrummy!

  8. Michelle your mango crab salad sounds scrumptious. Good job showing texture.

  9. Such great textures! The salad looks very summery!

  10. Yum, that salad looks good enough to eat. Great photo.

  11. Now I am hungry for crab salad!
    Great photos!


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