
Friday, August 2, 2013

[Focus on Life Week 31] Hues of Blues

Hi!  It's Week 31 over at Ms. Sally Russick's Focus on Life and the prompt for this week was:
"Hues of Blues."

Let me share with you these special Origami Papers.  I love the rich, vibrant and assorted hues of blues!  these would look really good in origami projects, or as a pendant or in a handmade card layout.  Woohooo!

There are different types of origami paper:

Kami - it is the basic, easiest and cheapest to buy.  It is thin, printed on one side and is easy to fold.
Origamodo - which means "way of paper folding" is handmade paper specially created by 
Micheal Lafosse.
Paper-backed foil - it is more expensive, flashier and is good at retaining creases.
Washi - thick handmade paper usually made with long fibered and soft paper.
Chiyogami - it is an inexpensive substitute for Washi paper.

Thank you for stopping by the blog.
See you soon!
♥  michelle  ♥


  1. They are glorious. I have a rather large collection of them myself. They can be very addictive

  2. Wow!! Those sure look alive and vibrant! Beautiful picture!

  3. Ooh, I LOVE those papers - I had no idea origami paper could be so beautiful - I am now on a quest to find some!!! Lovely post and colour choice this week!

  4. Lovely paper.. would love to see some finished pieces!

  5. Lovely paper! And I love the explanation of the different types.

  6. oh my, these are gorgeous!!! I would want to cover all my books with them :)
    have a great week!!

  7. OK, and now I want to know which kind of paper this is! It's really lovely.

  8. Love those papers! I want some!

  9. Beautiful paper, the color and pattern are fantastic!!

  10. How cool are these?! And pretty too. I knew nothing of origami paper - thanks for sharing your knowledge.

  11. Beautiful origami papers. I have always found origami interesting. When I was in grade school my best friend did origami.

  12. Wow! Love those blues! I can see jewelry in them there papers....thanks for posting

  13. Gorgeous paper! I need to get myself into one of the paper stores :) Love your hues of blue - and thanks for sharing the Origami paper info!

  14. So many beautiful papers. I would have a difficult time limiting collection.


Thanks for stopping by ☺♥