
Sunday, August 11, 2013

[Verses] A Big God for a Small Me!

How are you my friend?

Have you ever thought that you carry the weight of the world on your shoulders?  That there is no end to your hardship?
That there is no hope for you at all?

Well, I felt all of that last week.

I have this knee-jerk reaction sometimes when challenges come my way and instead of facing it head-on, I tend to withdraw.  
And sob.  And cry... as if it would do me good.

Thankfully, God's word, His promises, the prayers of my husband, family and friends lifted me up.  

It's amazing how God speaks to us through His word, the Church, people and circumstances.  The theme of KHCB's broadcast last week was about worry and anxiety (and me).  Oh yeah, I believe that it was not an accident.  Nothing is.  

Friends prayed for me.  They are truly God sent.  
It's nice to pray together.  Try it if you haven't yet.

Finally, it was and will always be a comfort to know that my husband assured/s me with these words: 
"Don't worry, I will take care of you."  

Then he shared with me this passage of scripture that he read during his Thursday devotion.    

Oh what a comfort to know that God will never give us something that is beyond what we can bear.

He is a BIG GOD for a small me.

Have a blessed week, my friend!
Drop me a note and I can pray for you too.
Or better yet, we can pray together.
♥  michelle  


  1. Nice post, Michelle! It is certainly nice to have a hubby who is the ROCK! Mine is too! I always try to remember our Pastor's saying that we should try to be the thermostat rather than the thermometer when dealing with tough circumstances. Don't let the circumstances control your emotions. You have the power and an awesome God who is bigger than any circumstance! HUGS!

  2. Hello! I haven't been to your blog in a long time, and I believe I was meant to be here today to read this! I have no idea what you went through, but I am happy you have found comfort. God is truly big and he works in the most wonderful ways!

    Your husband is so sweet, kilig!



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