
Friday, December 31, 2010

Goodbye... Hello! [2010 - 2011 New Year's Eve]

Hello friends!  What can you say about the year 2010?  It was a pretty awesome and creative year for me.  I was able to explore the little crafty side of me ☺.

Thanks to all you creative people, I was inspired to write and start this blog in June -  I'm thankful for my 2 wonderful followers.  It felt good to share my projects with you and at the same time learn from all of you too.  You have inspired me to be more creative and resourceful.

Here's to the year 2011!  Looking forward to new things to do:  more crafts to make, more blogs to make; many blogs to read to meet my needs.  Time to go to the store and explore more.

Have a blessed new year, my friend!  May the good Lord pour out His abundant blessing and grace upon you and our family. 


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