
Sunday, February 13, 2011

Weekend recap

Hello friends!  This has been a slow crafting week for me because:
1.  I had to go to another state to do pediatric nanny duties to my nephew
2.  Being out of town, I left all my tools and materials at home, and
3.  I am in "craft hibernation" mode.

Inspite of that, I was able to do something very exciting particularly this weekend.
I received an email from Joe of Create & Craft

Create & Craft
about an awesome blog hop initiated by K Andrew of Getting Cricky.

I have a personal cricut machine and 3 cartridges:  Base camp George & basic shapes & Beyond birthdays.  I have used it a number of times but I never really maximized it's potential.  It seemed to occupy space and gather dust in the cabinet.  Perhaps it was because I didn't really know how to use it or what to do with it.

Thankfully, I came across K Andrew's bloghop and in the process, I learned a lot... about the different states in America and other uber creative cricut users as well.

You may want to join us and get a chance to win so many wonderful prizes.
Click HERE.

Cricky across the 50
Thank you to K Andrew and the all the wonderful participants of this blog hop.
A cricky cheer to you all!

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