
Sunday, May 22, 2011

Something's baking in the oven

Something's baking in the oven and it looks delicious!

I am thrilled to discover another art that will keep me hooked for quite some time:   Polymer clay.  Thanks to my uber talented teacher, my classmate and I were able to learn and make a lot of stuff.

Let me share with you what we made.

This is my angry bird garding the cake

We were taught techniques in using clay to create various effects.There are many ways of adding these cute works of art into jewelry and other medium.  Whoa... I anticipate many hours of playing, rather claying.

My only worry as a physician trying to be pregnant are the effects of direct contact and exposure to PVC (polyvinyl chloride) which is toxic.  What if I get so addicted to it?  Yikes!  Perhaps I just have to detox after handling them.  Oh... the risks that we have to take in life.

Have a great week friends!

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