
Sunday, September 30, 2012

[Clay] "Inspired By" Magnets

Welcome back!  This is my last post for September 2012 - time flies by so fast!

Do you have one of those refrigerators with a lot of magnets on its door?  Photo magnets that remind of family and loved ones or those with 'save-the-date' wedding reminders.  Some people have magnets from the places they've visited.  We have quite a few magnets on our ref now - mainly used to clip our bills or new recipes... LOL.

I made a few magnets (for the ref and/or magnetic message board) that have inspiring messages.  
It's nice to read something "positive" to brighten up our hectic day.
You are My Sunshine!

You are Precious!

Love Will Be Our Home

May you have a wonderful week!  Let us all welcome October!  
See you soon!

♥  Michelle  ♥

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