
Friday, March 1, 2013

[Focus on Life Week 9] Knock, Knock

It's Week 9 of Focus on Life with Ms. Sally Russick and the theme is:  "Knock, Knock."
This is what I wanted to share with you today... "Our Door."
My husband and I have been married for 4 years and we made our first major move last April 2012.  We drove almost 19 hours from state to state, with loads of stuff - clothes and boxes of "my toys."
We have always been around family which was nice especially for me migrating from another country but we had to be on our own.  It was all in perfect timing, all according to God's perfect plan!
We stayed with friends for a few months just enough for us to find our own place and here it is... "Our Door."

The process in finding our own place was fun and exciting!  We prayed for it and decided on a 2 bedroom apartment which was big enough for us and my loads of crafts and tools.    It was fun visiting stores and shopping to find furniture and other techie "needs."  I have realized that no matter how long you have been with your husband, you still learn something new about one another... such as in choosing what to buy, where to put the sofa, etc.  - you know what I'm talking about.  After a few weeks or arranging and rearranging, we were happy to be finally home.

There is a frame hanging by our kitchen that reads:
4 cups of Love
2 cups of Loyalty
3 cups of Forgiveness
1 cup of Friendship
5 spoons of Hope
2 spoons of Tenderness
4 quarts of Faith
1 barrel of Laughter
To this, I add:  A load of God's grace and mercy.  It is what binds us together as husband and wife.

Thanks for reading this far.  Off to the other blogs you go, my friend!
Click on the LINK.

♥  Michelle  


  1. Oh that is a sweet story to go with your door of promise!

  2. Hi Michelle,
    It is a wonderful door that once it is open and you walk in you will feel the love that surrounds you.

  3. And a lovely welcoming door it is! Love the color...we've built a new porch out front of our house and this spring I have to decide what color to paint it and the door it leads to...hmmmm....

  4. Your story made me smile. My husband and I have been married 34 years and we have moved many many times. Yes, I know what you're talking about!

  5. Lovely story of how you found your perfect door with the love of your life.

  6. ah! your first door together... that is soooo special! our first door was student housing when i was at seminary... almost 24 years ago!
    a great photo :)
    no. 23

  7. I'm in love with the wall that the door is in! It's a lovely door to but it's the wall that really reaches out to me.. gorgeous brick!

  8. Beautiful door - especially because it is 'home'! You're going to probably keep learning stuff about your hubby for your entire life,..I've been married for over 18 years and learn something almost daily about my honey!! :-)

  9. I love your journey and your recipe! Thank you for sharing it all.

  10. Awesome photo of your door! Love the story behind it and the recipe for a Happy Home!

  11. It's great the you found the home you were looking for. Your door looks welcoming.

  12. What a love story that door keeps safe and sound. Beautiful!

  13. What a great door! It always means more when it is your first home.

  14. Very sweet story and idea for the post!

  15. It's always a good feeling to find the perfect house with the perfect door.

  16. Nice post, I hope you enjoy your home sweet home.

  17. Nice post, I hope you enjoy your home sweet home.

  18. A generic door which opens into a warm and loving home, a happy home :)
    Cute post :)

  19. Hope that door and your recipe hold many many more wonderful years ahead for you both.

  20. Michelle, what a beautiful door! And behind that door may there be many years of love and laughter!

  21. Beautiful door and lovely picture. Your story is so sweet and heartwarming.


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