
Saturday, March 23, 2013

[Focus on Life Week 12] Observe the Curve

Welcome to Week 12 of Focus on Life by Ms. Sally Russick of The Studio Sublime.  This weeks challenge is:  "Observe the curve" - doesn't it sound profound?  

Hello!  This is the cord of a telephone.   
In the era of wireless phones and gadgets, we still need these old time telephones.  When I was young-er, I was so fascinated watching American TV shows or movies where the actor or actress holds a looooonnnng telephone cord while going around their kitchen - we never had those in my home back in Manila.

Do you remember when you would talk to someone over the phone and depending on how intense the conversation is, you found yourself wrapping your finger around the cord and twirling it.  This is my telephone cord sitting at my office desk.  I like it all curved in one direction following an orderly pattern.  Call me crazy but those tangled telephone cords in another persons desk bugs me... ugh!

Observe the curve.  The shadows.
It follows a pattern... a rhythm... a cycle.. an order.
It can get kinda hypnotic too, you know.

As I think of it, I don't think the old telephone will be phased out... ever!  No matter how hi-tech our mobile communication system gets, it will always be there.

♥  Michelle  ♥


  1. I like you second photo of the telephone cord. I especially like how its shadow is reflected on your desk.

  2. My phone cord is constantly tangled... I swear my husband walks around teh house untangling them! I remember when the only phone in the house was in the hallway outside the kitchen... no we have a phone in every room and I still can't find one to answer when it rings!

  3. What fun!!! I hated the way the cord would tangle, but I did like playing with the cord while yacking for hours with my girlfriends.

  4. I had almost forgotten about telephone cords. I always hated how they would tangle and would have to take the time to straighten them out. :)

  5. I love this take on the curve! I remember walking around the kitchen tethered by hat thing!

  6. I DO remember the extra long telephone cord in my kitchen...I am sure it reached 25 feet!

  7. A telephone cord! Haven;t seen one of those in a while. I love the twirling image!

  8. I am now picturing my dad dangling the receiver down quietly muttering about the rest of us tanking up the cord. We still have one corded phone but I hate to talk on it since my cat things it's for play time

  9. Oh yes, your phone cord brings back so many memories! Getting tangled up in it while fixing a meal, reaching for something but the cord wasn't quite long enough.
    Great post and photos!

  10. I can remember stretching the phone into the bathroom to get privacy from my parents growing up - ha! now my kids just take the phone into their bedrooms and close the door!

  11. I hate when they get tangled, so hard to untangle. I loved your post - we had a phone cord in our kitchen growing up that must have been 15 feet - loved it. :)

  12. Hi Michelle,
    I am with you Girl on those tangled telephone cords, they drive me crazy.

  13. Great photos! I’m part of the bead soup party. Looking forward to the reveals. I'm now following you. I have a new blog. Please consider following my jewelry blog. Thanks.


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